Rent prices in the UK have indeed seen significant increases this year.
⏰ After the price increase and rapid sell-out in cities like Glasgow, Southampton, and Bristol before the New Year, other cities in the UK, mainly London, have gradually released the first wave of housing options in February. As of now, London buildings have increased in price by around 20-30p. 💰
The same situation applies to apartments in other cities. They are indeed making great efforts to increase prices 📈, and some good floors and layouts in the first wave have already been sold out [disappointed R]. Good properties are in high demand and don't wait for anyone!!
The above information on price increases can also be found on official websites, so it's not just the agents inflating the market. After the easing of restrictions both domestically and internationally, the demand has indeed reached its peak, and the imbalance between the number of students and available housing has created this situation [disappointed R].
If you have a housing demand in London, Manchester, Sheffield, or other cities in the UK, make sure to start early. You can always reach out to me [wow R], and there are groups for cities like Glasgow and Southampton where you can exchange rental information, find roommates, and make friends.
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