Awehome Privacy Policy Agreement

Special Statement

Welcome to Awehome, the one-stop home platform!

Awehome Collect Good Homes (hereinafter referred to as "we") attaches great importance to the protection of your privacy and personal information. In view of the fact that we may collect and use your relevant information when you use our services, in order to provide you with a safer Internet environment, we explain the rules for collecting, using, sharing, managing and protecting user information, and we According to network security, information security technology and related laws and regulations on personal information security, and technical specifications, we specially formulate the "Awehome Collect Good Homes Privacy Agreement" (hereinafter referred to as "this Agreement").

Before you visit, browse and/or use the Awehome Collect Good Home Platform (hereinafter referred to as "Awehome Collect Good Home Platform") and related services developed by Shanghai Weiwo Technology Co., Ltd., including the APP application Awehome, WeChat Mini Program Awehome Collect Good Home, WeChat Official Account Awehome Collect Good Home, and website, please read and understand this agreement (especially the bold content) thoroughly and agree to use the related services after confirming full understanding. Once you click to confirm and agree, and start using the Awehome Collect Good Home Platform and/or related services, it means that you have fully understood and agreed to this agreement. If you do not agree with any of the following contents of this agreement, please stop using the Awehome Collect Good Home Platform and related services immediately.

How do we collect your personal information?

The features or services provided by us on the Awehome platform require certain information in order to run. In order to better serve you, Awehome will follow the principles of "reasonableness, relevance, and necessity" and collect information on the premise of your consent, and will not collect information prohibited by laws and administrative regulations. When you choose to use the following functions, the corresponding necessary information that needs to be provided to us or allowed to be collected by us includes:

1.1 The information required to make an online booking or to provide you with a service.

When registering to become a user of the Awehome platform, you need to provide your mobile phone number to create an Awehome account. If you log in through WeChat and use the Awehome platform and related services, you need to provide your WeChat number and WeChat nickname, and you also need to provide your mobile phone number and name to create an Awehome account. We will verify your identity by sending a verification code via SMS. The above information is considered personal sensitive information. If you refuse to provide it, we will not be able to create an account for you on the Awehome platform and provide this service. If you only need basic functions such as browsing and searching for properties, you do not need to register an Awehome account or provide your mobile phone number, name, email, password information, WeChat number, or WeChat nickname.

When you use this feature, we will not apply for system permissions related to personal information. In addition to the above permissions, you can choose whether to grant us additional system permissions. You can also turn off the authorized system permissions through system settings.

Selecting a Property: When selecting a property using the Awehome platform, you may be required to fill out a consultation request form, which may require you to provide your name, email, phone number, country of study, city, university, check-in date, and check-out date. This information is considered sensitive, and if you refuse to provide it, you may not be able to receive this customer service.

When booking a property on the Awehome platform, you will need to fill out a booking application form, providing your name, gender, nationality, date of birth, email, mobile phone number, country of study, city and university, check-in and check-out dates, co-occupant's name, guarantor information, feedback and questionnaire. The above information is considered sensitive information and, depending on the laws of the country or region, you may also need to provide additional

When using the feature, we will not apply for system permissions related to personal information from you. In addition to the above permissions, you can choose whether to grant us additional system permissions. You can also turn off the authorized system permissions through system settings.

Payment Function: When you complete the payment through the third-party payment institutions (Alipay or WeChat Pay) supported by Awehome Collection Home Platform, you may need to provide your order number, transaction amount, and credit card number information. The payment function itself does not collect your personal information.

We will not request for system permissions related to personal information when you use this feature. Besides the above permissions, you can choose whether to grant us additional system permissions. You can also turn off the authorized system permissions through system settings.

When using the customer service function of Awehome Collect Home Platform, in order to ensure your account security, you may need to provide your name, study city, university, account name, and order number for customer service verification of your identity. According to the service content you requested, the customer service staff will ask you for relevant information after obtaining your consent, and you can choose whether to provide the information required by the customer service.

When you first use the feature, we will also apply for system permissions related to personal information [microphone, recording, camera], if you do not authorize, it will lead to our inability to provide the service. In addition to the above permissions, you can choose whether to grant us additional system permissions. You can also turn off the authorized system permissions through the system settings.

Marketing Activities: When you use Awehome platform to participate in our marketing activities, we may collect your name, mailing address, and contact information according to the needs of the activities. The above information is sensitive information, but it is necessary for you to receive discounts or gifts. You have the right to refuse to provide the above information, but if you refuse to provide the above information, we may not be able to provide you with discounts or gifts.

When using this feature, we will not request any system permissions related to personal information from you. In addition to the above permissions, you can choose whether to grant us additional system permissions. You can also turn off the authorized system permissions through system settings.

For using Awehome Collection Home Platform or related services, the information automatically collected by the system.

In the process of using Awehome's home collection platform and related services, the system may automatically collect the following personal information from you through Cookies and WebBeacons:

1.2.1 [Log Information] The content you searched for, IP address, language used, date and time of access to the service, time zone settings and geographical location, service failure information, and operational log information.

2.2【Device Information or Software Information】The configuration information, device version number, hardware model, operating system version, International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI), unique device identifier, network device hardware address MAC, IOS system advertising identifier IDFA, type of browser, language used, and device sensor data provided by the mobile device, browser, or other programs used to access the Awehome Jiho Home Platform and related services. For information collected from your various devices, we may associate them so that we can provide you with consistent services on these devices. We may associate your device information with your Awehome Jiho Home account. These are the basic information we must collect to provide services.

The information you voluntarily share through the Awehome platform includes comments on the property and the date of the comment.

1.2.4【Usage】Your frequency of use of Awehome, overall usage, and performance data.

1.2.5 [Clipboard] When you need to copy and paste text during the process of this platform, we may apply to call the clipboard copy/paste function and collect the text information in the clipboard of your device. The clipboard information will only be processed on your device, and we will not store your clipboard information for other means.

1.2.6 【Storage Permission】Based on additional services that read and write external storage cards: After enabling local storage permission, you can use this feature to upload your photos/images/videos to achieve functions such as saving pictures to your device, sharing, or providing proof of communication with customer service.

We get information from third parties.

After you authorize a third party, we can obtain your authorized shared account nickname, account avatar, name, email, mobile phone number from the third party, and after you agree to this agreement, we will bind your third-party account with your Awehome Jiahao Home account, so that you can log in and use the Awehome Jiahao Home platform and related services directly through the third-party account. When you use the third-party account to log in and use the Awehome Jiahao Home platform and related services directly, the third party will share the relevant information with us according to the service agreement you have confirmed with it. We will confirm the legality of the source of personal information according to the agreement with the third party, and use the personal information obtained from the third party under the premise of complying with the relevant laws and regulations.

2.How do we use your personal information

In order to use the functions of the Awehome Collect Good Home Platform and related services, we will use the personal information collected from you according to the provisions of this agreement. We will obtain your consent in advance for any other purposes beyond this.

3.1 Awehome Home Collection Platform will set or access Cookies on your relevant mobile device/browser so that you can log in or use Awehome Home Collection Platform and related services or functions that rely on Cookies.

3.2You have the right to choose to accept or reject Cookies. You can reject Cookies by disabling them on your mobile device/browser. If your browser automatically accepts Cookies, you can modify the settings of your browser to reject Cookies according to your own needs. If you choose to reject Cookies, you may not be able to experience the services provided by Awehome Platform better which relies on Cookies.

3.3The information obtained through the Cookies set by Awehome will be subject to this agreement and the Cookie policy.

3.4In addition to Cookies, in order to provide better services, we will also use web beacons and pixel tags or other similar technologies on the Awehome website. Web beacons are electronic images that may be used on Awehome websites or emails. We use web beacons to transmit Cookies, count visits, understand usage and activity effectiveness, and determine whether an email has been opened and if any action has been taken on it.

2.1.4【Contact You】We may reply to and handle your questions or requests, send information related to orders (such as order submission success prompts, reminders for incomplete orders), and we may also send you questionnaires or invite you to provide feedback on our services.

2.1.5 [Market Research] We may sometimes invite you to participate in market research to measure your interest in our services and website.

2.1.6 [Daily Operations] Includes but is not limited to order management, technical support, network maintenance, troubleshooting, internal administrative affairs and internal policies and procedures, and generating internal reports.

2.1.7【Security Protection】In order to improve the security of your use of the services, we may use your information for identity verification, customer service, security prevention, fraud monitoring, and protecting user personal safety, to prevent, detect, investigate fraud, endanger safety, illegal or violate our agreement, policies or rules, laws and regulations, in order to protect you, other users, Awehome Jiahao Home and its affiliates, partners and the public interest.

2.1.8 [Telephone Monitoring] Your calls to and from our customer service may be recorded and we may use the call recordings to monitor the quality of our customer service, to check the accuracy of the information you provide and to prevent fraud. The recordings will be automatically deleted after a period of time, unless they are retained for compliance purposes.

2.1.9 [Legal Purposes] We may need to use your information to process and resolve legal disputes, or to comply with any laws or regulations that are binding on us or documents issued by regulatory bodies, for the purpose of cooperating with national departments or regulatory bodies to investigate and comply with laws and regulations.

We may use your order data for analysis to understand your preferences for accommodation sources and improve our services. We may also send you information about housing sources that may be of interest to you via your email or mobile phone number.

In addition, we may collect, use and disclose your personal information for other purposes and notify you by revising this agreement.

Change the purpose of processing personal information, we will seek your authorization again in the form of push notification.

2.2Obtaining Authorization Exceptions with Consent

You fully understand and agree that we may collect and use your personal information without your authorization in the following cases:

Related to national security and defense security.

2.2.2 Related to public safety, public health, and major public interests.

2.2.3 Related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial, and execution of judgment, etc. of judicial or administrative law enforcement.

For the maintenance of your or other individuals' major legitimate rights and interests such as life and property, but it is difficult to obtain your consent.

You voluntarily disclose personal information to the public.

2.2.6 Collecting personal information from legally disclosed information, such as legal news reports, government information disclosure, etc.

2.2.7 Necessary for the signing and performance of relevant agreements or other written documents with you.

2.2.8 is necessary for the security and stable operation of the services provided, such as discovering and dealing with service failures.

2.2.9 is required for legal news reporting.

2.2.10 Academic research institutions, when conducting statistics or academic research necessary for the public interest, and providing the results of academic research or description to the outside, shall anonymize the personal information contained in the results.

2.2.11Other circumstances as stipulated by laws and regulations.

2.3 Account Cancellation

You can directly apply for account cancellation within our APP product (My-Settings-Cancel Account). After you cancel your account, we will stop providing you with products and/or services. Based on your request and unless otherwise required by law, we will delete your personal information.

3.We how to use Cookies and similar technologies.

3.1 Awehome Home Collection Platform will set or access Cookies on your relevant mobile device/browser so that you can log in or use Awehome Home Collection Platform and related services or functions that rely on Cookies.

3.2You have the right to choose to accept or reject Cookies. You can reject Cookies by disabling them on your mobile device/browser. If your browser automatically accepts Cookies, you can modify the settings of your browser to reject Cookies according to your own needs. If you choose to reject Cookies, you may not be able to experience the services provided by Awehome Platform better which relies on Cookies.

3.3The information obtained through the Cookies set by Awehome will be subject to this agreement and the Cookie policy.

3.4In addition to Cookies, in order to provide better services, we will also use web beacons and pixel tags or other similar technologies on the Awehome website. Web beacons are electronic images that may be used on Awehome websites or emails. We use web beacons to transmit Cookies, count visits, understand usage and activity effectiveness, and determine whether an email has been opened and if any action has been taken on it.

4.How do we share, delegate processing, transfer, and publicly disclose your information?

We will not share your personal information with any companies, organizations, or individuals outside of this company, unless we have your explicit consent. Currently, we will seek your authorization to share your personal information in the following circumstances.

4.1.1We will share your name, gender, nationality, date of birth, email, mobile phone number, country of study, city and university, check-in date and check-out date from your order information with the provider of the relevant accommodation you have selected, in order to fulfill your transaction and after-sales service requirements.

#Third-party SDK Integration Directory

Third-party Company:Umeng Tongxin(Beijing)Technology Co.,Ltd.
Product/Type:Umeng Statistical Analysis SDK
Shared Information:Device Information(IMEI/MAC/AndroidID/IDFA/OAID/OpenUDID/GUID/SIM card IMSI/ICCID),Location Information,Network Information
Purpose:For app operation statistics and analysis
Scenarios:Upon entering the application
Sharing Method:Direct collection by SDK,no data transmission involved
Third-party Privacy Link: Click to view

Third-party Company:Tencent Cloud Computing(Beijing)Co.,Ltd.
Product/Type:Tencent Cloud IM SDK
Shared Information:Device Information(device model,device hardware status information,IP address,operating system version,network type),Personal Information(operation logs,text messages,voice,images,videos,files,nickname,signature,gender,birthday,IM account ID,friend relationships)
Purpose:For message sending,relationship management,group and individual information management
Scenarios:Used during message sending,session management,friend and group management,and personal information management
Sharing Method:Backend interface transmission
Third-party Privacy Link: Click to view

Third-party Company:Guangdong Huantai Technology Co.,Ltd.
Product/Type:OPPO Push SDK
Shared Information:Device-related Information(such as IMEI number,Serial Number,IMSI,User ID,Android ID,Google Advertising ID,phone Region settings,device model,phone battery level,phone operating system version and language,etc.),Application information using push services,push SDK version number,network-related information,message sending results
Purpose:For message pushing
Scenarios:Push notification messages
Sharing Method:De-identification,encrypted transmission,and secure processing
Third-party Privacy Link:Click to view

Third-party Company:Huawei Software Technologies Co.,Ltd.
Product/Type:Huawei Push SDK
Shared Information:Device-related Information(HMS Core openId),Application Token,Topic Subscription Relationship,Cached Messages,Message Delivery Records,PushToken,AAID(Application Anonymous Identifier),Token Application Records,Display/Click/Close Dotting Reports,Application ID,Application Package Name,Public IP Address of Server
Purpose:For message pushing
Scenarios:Push notification messages
Sharing Method:De-identification,encrypted transmission,and secure processing
Third-party Privacy Link:Click to view

Third-party Company:Vivo Mobile Communications Co.,Ltd.
Product/Type:VIVO Push SDK
Shared Information:Device Identification Information(such as IMEI number),phone model,system type,system version
Purpose:For message pushing
Scenarios:Push notification messages
Sharing Method:De-identification,encrypted transmission,and secure processing
Third-party Privacy Link: Click to view

Third-party Company:Xiaomi Mobile Software Co.,Ltd.
Product/Type:Xiaomi Push SDK
Shared Information:Device-related Information(including IMEI,OAID(for Android Q and above systems),IMEI MD5,MEIDMD5,Android ID,VAID,AAID,and user MID(for MIUI systems),device model,etc.)
Purpose:For implementing message pushing
Scenarios:Push notification messages
Sharing Method:De-identification,encrypted transmission,and secure processing
Third-party Privacy Link: Click to view

Third-party Company:Zhuhai Meizu Communication Equipment Co.,Ltd.
Product/Type:Meizu Push SDK
Shared Information:Location Information,Device Identification Information(WIFI information,running application list,phone ID information,carrier information,MAC address)
Purpose:For implementing message pushing
Scenarios:Push notification messages
Sharing Method:De-identification,encrypted transmission,and secure processing
Third-party Privacy Link: Click to view

Third-party Company:Google
Product/Type:Google FCM Push SDK
Shared Information:Device unique identifier,device type and settings,operating system,mobile network information and application version number,IP address,crash reports,system activities and the date,time and referrer URL of corresponding requests,operator name,crash reports,applications installed by you,and other information about how you use the Android device(depending on your device settings)
Purpose:For implementing message pushing
Scenarios:Push notification messages
Sharing Method:De-identification,encrypted transmission,and secure processing
Third-party Privacy Link: Click to view

Third-party Company:Apple
Product/Type:Apple Push Notification service
Shared Information:Device token(such as device token),phone model,system version
Purpose:For implementing message pushing
Scenarios:Push notification messages
Sharing Method:De-identification,encrypted transmission,and secure processing
Third-party Privacy Link: Click to view

Third-party Company:Mapbox
Product/Type:Mapbox SDK
Shared Information:Identity Identifier(randomly generated billing ID,session ID,feedback ID(if provided)and IP address),Location Information(such as latitude and longitude,altitude,horizontal and vertical accuracy)
Purpose:For providing map functions and services to users
Scenarios:Used on the"Maps"page
Sharing Method:SDK collects directly,no data transmission involved
Third-party Privacy Link: Click to view

Third-party Company:Shenzhen Fenmiao Network Technology Co.,Ltd.
Product/Type:Openinstall SDK
Shared Information:Device brand,device model,operating system version,IP address,clipboard(clipboard)
Purpose:For data statistics and analysis
Scenarios:Used when entering the APP
Sharing Method:SDK collects directly,no data transmission involved
Third-party Privacy Link: Click to view

Third-party Company:Alibaba Group Holding Limited
Product/Type:Alibaba Cloud OSS SDK
Shared Information:Network status,WIFI status
Purpose:For uploading images,videos
Scenarios:Modifying avatars,uploading property images,uploading property videos,etc.
Sharing Method:SDK native collection
Third-party Privacy Link: Click to view

Third-party Company:Shenzhen Tencent Computer Systems Co.,Ltd.
Product/Type:WeChat Share SDK
Shared Information:WIFI status,phone status,network status,network information status,read and write storage space,change Z-axis arrangement tasks,clipboard
Purpose:For WeChat sharing,opening mini-programs
Scenarios:Share to WeChat,when clicking on the house-finding group
Sharing Method:SDK native collection
Third-party Privacy Link: Click to view

Third-party Company:Alibaba Cloud Computing(Beijing)Co.,Ltd.
Product/Type:Alibaba Cloud Number Verification SDK
Shared Information:Network type,device information(including IP address,device manufacturer,device model,mobile operating system,SIM card information SIM State)
Purpose:One-click login and authentication of local numbers
Scenarios:When logging in
Sharing Method:SDK native collection
Third-party Privacy Link:Click to view

Third-party Company:Shenzhen Tencent Computer Systems Co.,Ltd.
Product/Type:WeChat Payment SDK
Shared Information:Network status,network information status,WIFI status,phone status,read and write storage space,change Z-axis arrangement tasks
Purpose:For using WeChat payment in-app
Scenarios:When using WeChat payment
Sharing Method:SDK native collection
Third-party Privacy Link: Click to view

Third-party Company:Alipay(China)Network Technology Co.,Ltd.
Product/Type:Alipay SDK
Shared Information:IMEI/IMSI,SIM card serial number/MAC address,android_id
Purpose:For using Alipay payment in-app
Scenarios:When using Alipay payment
Sharing Method:SDK native collection
Third-party Privacy Link: Click to view

Product/Type: GeeTest CAPTACHA SDK
Shared Information: IP address, device information, operating system
Purpose: Human -machine recognition
Scenarios: Before sending the verification code
Sharing Method:SDK native collection
Third-party Privacy Link: Click to view

4.1.2When you use the push, third-party login and sharing information functions, third-party payment functions, intelligent customer service system, Huawei or Google push functions or services, in certain specific use scenarios, we may use software service packages (referred to as "SDK") provided by third-party service providers with corresponding business qualifications and capabilities to provide services for you. These SDKs may collect and use your personal information, which we will obtain after your authorization and consent. We will also conduct security checks on SDKs or other similar applications to protect your personal information as much as possible. We use these SDKs through the interface call provided by the operating system. The names, providers, types of personal information collected and business scenarios of these third-party SDKs are as follows:

(1) If you use OPPO/Xiaomi/Huawei mobile devices or other Android mobile devices that use OPPO Push (OPPO Guangdong Mobile Communications Co., Ltd.)/Xiaomi Push (Xiaomi Technology Co., Ltd.)/Huawei Push (Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.)/Getui (MobTech Company Limited)/OpenInstall (Shenzhen Fenmiao Network Technology Co., Ltd.)/Google Push (Google LLC) SDK, it will read your device information (which may include the MAC address of the connected wireless network device, installed APP information, wireless network list, device MAC address, network type, phone model, device serial number, wireless network name) and location information to achieve message push. Please note that for push-type SDKs, they will only be initialized and effective when you use the corresponding brand of mobile devices.

If you use third-party login and share information functions such as WeChat/Facebook/Apple platform, WeChat (Tencent Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.)/Facebook (Facebook, Inc)/Facebook-android-sdk (Facebook, Inc) Apple (Apple) will collect your device information (which may include device MAC address, IMEI, SIM card serial number, Android ID, phone model, wireless network name, wireless network device MAC address, device serial

If you use the third-party payment function provided by Alipay/WeChat Pay when booking Awehome products, Alipay (Alipay Network Co., Ltd.)/ WeChat Pay (Tencent Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.) SDK will collect your device information (which may include IMEI, IMSI, device MAC address, Android Id, device model, network type, wireless network list, wireless network MAC address, wireless network name, sensor information, SIM serial number information), location information, and phone number.

If you use the online intelligent customer service system, Hecong Customer Service (Changsha Hecong Network Technology Co., Ltd.) / Ali Cloud Object Storage OSS (Aliyun Computing Co., Ltd.) SDK will read your device information (possibly including mobile phone model, IMSI, running process information), microphone (recording), camera and voice information;

If you use Google mobile system or Huawei mobile phone, it will use Google Push (GMS)/Firebase/Huawei Push (HMS) SDK to read your device information (which may include the connected wireless network device MAC, wireless network list, device MAC address, network type, mobile phone model, device serial number, and wireless network name) and location information.

If you use Tencent Maps (Tencent Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.) / Mapbox Maps (Mapbox, Inc.), it will read your device information (possibly including connected wireless network device MAC, wireless network list, device MAC address, network type, mobile phone model, device serial number, wireless network name, mobile phone external storage information) and location information.

In the App, in order to achieve the purpose of advertising delivery, Google Ads (Google LLC) / AppsFlyer (Pusu (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd.) SDK will collect your device information (may include mobile phone model, sensors) and location information.

In order to better improve Awehome's App in the future, we will collect error reports and user behavior information. The Tencent Bugly (Tencent Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.) SDK will collect your device information (which may include IMEI, IMSI, device MAC address, Android ID, device model, network type, wireless network list, wireless network MAC address, wireless network name, sensor information, SIM serial number information), and location information.

(9) If you use the Alibaba Cloud Number Authentication SDK (Alibaba Cloud Computing (Beijing) Co., Ltd.), you will read your network type, device information (including IP address, device manufacturer, device model, mobile phone operating system, SIM card card Information SIM State) is used for one -click login and certification for this machine number;

For the companies and organizations with whom we share personal information, we will require them to handle personal information in accordance with confidentiality and security measures that comply with legal requirements.

4.2 Entrustment Processing

Some specific services or features on the Awehome Collection Good Home Platform are provided by service providers or authorized partners. For those companies, organizations and individuals that we entrust to process personal information or may come into contact with personal information, we will sign strict confidentiality agreements with them, requiring them to process personal information in accordance with our requirements, this agreement and any other relevant confidentiality and security measures. Currently, we will entrust third parties to process personal information in the following circumstances:

We authorize partners for advertising and analytics services We entrust these partners to handle information related to the coverage and effectiveness of advertising, and the information we provide to these partners is anonymized so that they cannot identify you personally

We hire service providers to support certain features or services of ours, such as analyzing how our services are used and providing customer service Service providers are only given access to the information they need to perform their duties and are not allowed to use this information for any other purpose

Transfer 43

We will not transfer your personal information to any company, organization, or individual, except in the following cases:

Under the condition of obtaining explicit consent: After obtaining your explicit consent, we will transfer your personal information to other parties

In the event of merger, acquisition or bankruptcy liquidation, or other relevant cases involving merger, acquisition or bankruptcy liquidation, if personal information transfer is involved, we will require the new holders of your personal information to continue to be bound by this Agreement, otherwise we will require the company, organization and individuals to obtain your authorization and consent again

433 According to applicable laws, regulations, legal procedures, and mandatory administrative or judicial requirements

44 Public Disclosure

We will only disclose your personal information in the following circumstances:

We may publicly disclose your personal information using the disclosure methods you have agreed to, or based on your active choice, with your explicit consent

In the event that national authorities require the disclosure of your personal information in accordance with their authority, we may disclose your personal information according to the types of personal information and methods of disclosure required by laws, regulations, litigation, dispute resolution, or requests made by administrative or judicial authorities in accordance with the law

Share, transfer, and publicly disclose personal information except in cases where prior authorization and consent have been obtained

In the following circumstances, sharing, transferring, and publicly disclosing your personal information does not require prior authorization from you:

451 is related to national security and defense security

452 is related to public safety, public health, and major public interests

453 is related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial, and execution of judgments, etc related to judicial or administrative law enforcement

For the maintenance of your or other individuals' life, property, and other significant legal rights, but it is difficult to obtain your consent

You publicly disclose personal information to the public

Collect personal information from legally publicly disclosed information, such as legally reported news, government information disclosure, etc

How do we store and transfer your information across borders?

The personal information collected from you in Mainland China will be stored within Mainland China At the same time, in order to improve the service quality of Awehome's brand for you globally, your [account information, order information, browsing history, study destination and preference information] will be transmitted and stored in the cloud computing platform provided by Alibaba Cloud for Awehome

You understand and agree that, based on the order information, we will transmit your name, gender, nationality, date of birth, email, mobile phone number, study abroad country, city and university, check-in date and check-out date to the designated apartment (in return, we will also provide you with the apartment and the apartment's bank information) in order to facilitate the signing of a contract between you and the overseas entity through the Awehome Collection Home Platform for the booking of a property located overseas

In such cases, we will ensure that your personal information is given adequate equivalent protection within the People's Republic of China 53 Different data protection laws may be in place in such jurisdictions, or none at all

For the above situation, we will protect your personal information according to this agreement and relevant laws and regulations Your personal information will be kept for three months after the date of your account cancellation, unless the retention period needs to be extended or allowed or assisted by a competent authority or competent authority

If we stop operating the Awehome collection of good home platform, we will promptly stop continuing to collect your personal information activities, stop operating the notice to be delivered individually or in the form of announcement to you, and delete or anonymize the personal information held

Personal Sensitive Information Reminder

Personal sensitive information refers to personal information that, once disclosed, illegally provided or abused, may endanger personal and property safety, and easily lead to damage to personal reputation, physical and mental health, or discriminatory treatment The personal sensitive information mentioned in this Privacy Policy includes personal identity information (including name, nationality, date of birth, passport), network identity identification information (including account name, email address, WeChat number, WeChat nickname and related passwords), as well as other information (including personal phone number, accommodation information, call records, communication address, order records, recordings and videos, education information)

These personal sensitive information will be strictly protected We remind you that the content and information you upload or post yourself when using the Awehome Jiahao Home Platform services may disclose and leak your personal sensitive information Therefore, you need to consider carefully before using the services we provide for you You agree that these personal sensitive information will be processed in accordance with the purpose and manner specified in this Agreement

Information Security and Protection

We have used security protection measures that meet industry standards to protect the personal information you provide, preventing unauthorized access, disclosure, theft, modification, damage or loss of data We will take all reasonable and feasible measures to protect your personal information For example:

Your account is protected with security features, please keep your account and password information safe and do not disclose your password to others Awehome platform will ensure that your information is not lost, abused or altered through security measures such as backing up to other servers and encrypting user passwords

We have taken appropriate management, technical and physical security measures, established an information security assurance system that is compatible with business development in accordance with domestic and foreign information security standards, including access control, SSL/TLS encrypted transmission, encryption and storage with AES256bit or higher strength encryption algorithms

We also take management measures for the staff who may come into contact with your information, and have established an approval mechanism for important operations such as data access, internal and external transmission, desensitization, decryption, etc, and signed a confidentiality agreement with the above staff At the same time, we also regularly provide information security training for employees, requiring them to form good operating habits and enhance data protection awareness in their daily work

After collecting your personal information, we will anonymize the data through technical means to reduce the risk of other organizations or individuals identifying you through the anonymized personal information, and take technical and management measures to store the anonymized data separately from the data that can be used to recover the identifiable personal information

We will take all reasonable and practicable measures to ensure that irrelevant personal information is not collected We will only retain your personal information for the period necessary to achieve the purposes set out in this agreement, unless a longer retention period is required or permitted by law

Despite the aforementioned security measures, please be aware that there is no "perfect security" on the internet If our physical, technical, or administrative protection facilities are damaged, resulting in information being accessed without authorization, disclosed publicly, tampered with, or destroyed, resulting in damage to your legitimate rights and interests, we will bear the corresponding legal responsibility

If an unfortunate security incident occurs, we will inform you in a timely manner of the basic situation of the security incident, the possible impact, the measures we have taken or will take, the suggestions for you to independently prevent and reduce risks, and the remedies for you, in accordance with the laws and regulations We will inform you of the relevant situation in a timely manner by email, letter, telephone, push notification, etc When it is difficult to inform the individual information subject one by one, we will take reasonable and effective measures to publish announcements If you find that your personal information has been leaked, especially your account and password have been leaked, please contact our customer service immediately so that we can take corresponding measures

How do you manage your information?

We will do our best to ensure your access, modification (update or correction), deletion and withdrawal of consent to your personal information, so that you have the full ability to protect your privacy and security

After you have completed the account registration, logged in and gone through reasonable and necessary verification, you can access your personal information by logging into "APP application Awehome" and entering "My" or by logging into awehomecom on the PC end and entering the website homepage "Personal Information" to view, modify, correct and delete the personal information you have submitted to the Awehome collection platform You can browse, query, modify and delete your account information at any time; correct and modify the personal basic information and mailing address you provided when using Awehome collection If you encounter any problems during the operation, you can contact Awehome collection customer service at any time, or send an email to hello@awehomecom to contact us

You can log out of your Awehome Collect Home account through the following path You can contact Awehome Collect Home customer service to log out of your account You understand and acknowledge that the act of logging out of an account is irreversible Once you log out of your account, we will stop providing you with related services, and will no longer collect, use or share personal information related to the account However, we still need to keep the previous information according to the regulatory requirements, and have the right to query it within the legally required retention period

You can withdraw your consent at any time by deleting your personal information, disabling device functions, modifying personal settings, or changing the scope of your authorization for us to continue collecting personal information When you withdraw your consent, we will no longer process the corresponding personal information However, your decision to withdraw your consent will not affect the processing of personal information based on your authorization previously

If you do not wish to receive marketing messages from us, you can cancel them at any time by following the instructions in the email to cancel the marketing message sending service

If you are unable to access, correct or delete your personal information through the above means, or if you believe Awehome is in violation of any laws or regulations or any agreement with you regarding the collection or use of your personal information, you may send an email to hello@awehomecom or contact us through the other contact information below this agreement

In order to ensure security, we need you to provide a written request or otherwise prove your identity We will respond to your request within 15 days after receiving your feedback and verifying your identity For your reasonable requests, we do not generally charge any fees, but for repeated requests that exceed reasonable limits, we will charge a certain cost fee according to the situation

For requests that are repetitive, require a lot of technical means (eg the development of a new system or a fundamental change of existing practices), or pose a risk to the legal rights of others or are highly impractical, we will reject them

In the following circumstances, we will be unable to respond to your request as required by law: 88

Directly related to national security and defense security

Directly related to public safety, public health, and major public interests

Directly related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial, and execution of judgments

There is sufficient evidence to show that you have acted with subjective malice or abused your rights

Responding to your request would result in serious damage to the legal rights and interests of you or other individuals or organizations

Involves commercial secrets

How do we handle information about minors?

If you are under 18 years of age, we require you to ask your parents or other guardians to carefully read this agreement and use our services or provide information to us with the consent of your parents or other guardians

If you are a parent or other guardian of a minor, please monitor whether the minor under your guardianship is using our services with your authorization After logging in to the APP, you can query, correct and delete the relevant information of the account through "My" -> "Personal Information" If you have any questions about the personal information of the minor under your guardianship, please contact us through the contact information in Section 11

How is this Privacy Policy updated?

We reserve the right to update or revise this Agreement from time to time These updates and revisions will constitute part of this Agreement and have the same effect as this Agreement, and we will not reduce your rights under this Agreement currently in effect without your explicit consent We will post any changes to this Agreement on this page and mark the date of the latest update to this Agreement

If there is a major update to this agreement, we will provide more significant notice We will notify you through reasonable means such as pushing notifications on the Awehome platform (including the Awehome website, APP application Awehome, and Awehome online channels), sending emails, etc, so that you can be aware of any changes made to this agreement in a timely manner Please visit this Privacy Policy regularly to read the latest version

How to contact us

If you have any questions about this agreement or any complaints, suggestions, or questions about personal information protection, you can send an email to contact us, visit the online customer service system, or call the Awehome public phone number You can contact us in various ways, and we will reply within 15 days

Email: hello@awehomecom

Phone: 400 880 6760

Registration Address: 16th Floor, 127 Guo Tong Road, Yangpu District, Shanghai (Central Registration Location)

Office Address: 16th Floor, 127 Guo Tong Road, Yangpu District, Shanghai (Registration Center)

If you are not satisfied with our response, especially if our handling of personal information has harmed your legitimate rights and interests, you can communicate with us in a timely manner, or complain to the competent authorities such as the Cyberspace Administration of China and the Consumer Protection Association, or seek a solution through litigation in the people's court with jurisdiction over the defendant's domicile The following are the ways you can seek a solution to your complaint:

National Cyberspace Administration of China Reporting Center: www12377cn

Consumer Complaint Hotline: 12315

The final interpretation of this agreement belongs to Shanghai Weiwo Technology Co, Ltd

Update Time: 2023-03-08