leeds international study centre stadium campus
leeds university business school
leeds beckett university headingley campus
institute for transport studies
school of fine art, history of art and cultural studies
school of design
chemical and process engineering
school of media and communication
civil engineering
school of performance and cultural industries
mechanical engineering
school of earth and environment
leeds arts university
university of luto
physics and astronomy
electronic and electrical engineering
school of healthcare
notre dame catholic sixth form college
school of politics and international studies
school of sociology and social policy
school of history
school of languages, cultures and societies
school of philosophy, religion and history of science
leeds college of art
leeds city college
school of food science and nutrition
school of education
leeds beckett law school
leeds beckett university
Leeds Beckett University
leeds school of arts
leeds beckett business school
woodhouse grove school
The University of Leeds
the university of law leeds campus
leeds college of building - north street campus
elliott hudson college
Northern School of Contemporary Dance
Leeds Conservatoire
leeds college of building
leeds trinity university