CODE offers a selection of luxury apartments in Coventry. All rooms are fitted with a kitchen and bathroom, and beds are fitted with double full-size mattresses. Plus, you can enjoy 24-hour security, a gym with full state-of-the-art facilities, free classes and social activities. We are only 150 metres from Coventry University campus and 50 metres from the bus stop, with direct bus access to Warwick University. Our luxury penthouse studio offers unique views of the city and cathedral. CODE also offers free ultra-fast broadband (up to 200mb/s), no download or upload restrictions, and online technical support throughout the day. In addition, we have 7.5 tennis court-sized public Spaces with terraces, study areas and relaxing seating. A grocery store and gift shop are also available to meet your every need. Our main office is open 6 days a week: Monday to Saturday from 9am to 5.30pm, and there is also an on-site security team who have their own office and can monitor the building's CCTV, conducting regular patrols. Our staff will sign and hold any package you receive until you pick it up. You will also have a private mailbox. CODE welcomes your family and friends and has a flexible guest policy at no extra charge. We also offer a laundry room where you can pay for laundry using the designated APP. We also offer structured cooking classes that allow residents to get out of their studio and try cooking different international cuisines. We have a weekly social program with all food, drinks and materials provided free of charge; Each term, there is also a big party with regular food and drink giveaways, as well as competitions and cash prizes. There is also a large enclosed outdoor terrace with outdoor WiFi. There are also vending machines in our common areas with fresh frozen and canned goods, as well as drinks, toiletries and household essentials. In addition, we also offer free rental of vacuum cleaners, mops and other items.
每次我住在Code Coventry大楼,我总是会感受到服务周到,护士和保安人员相当友好,每次关闭狗道时,他们总是很有礼貌。