In this bustling corner of the city, it feels like I've found a tranquil haven. Every day, looking out from this large window, the agitation in my heart seems to dissipate with the wind. The vastness of Adelaide's sky, the freedom of the clouds, the quietness of the mountains, all resonate with my sensitive heartstrings.
This cozy little abode around the corner is lively yet comfortable. Every arrangement feels so thoughtful, meeting my rather picky standards. The small green plants beside the desk add a touch of vitality to this tiny space, bringing a splash of greenery to my busy academic life.
Though the kitchen is small, it's well-equipped. Whenever I cook alone, it feels like I'm having a conversation with the taste of home. And the supermarket downstairs provides the convenience of being in a garden.
Living here, I no longer fret about going to class because the classroom is right before my eyes, just a stone's throw away. As night falls, the blue bedsheets become my warmest embrace.