Just arrived in Birmingham on the first day, actively searching for accommodation!
Great success! Isn't it amazing? 😝
Hey, everyone! Can you believe how lucky I am? Found a place to stay in Birmingham on the very first day 😬ㅤ
Maybe it's because everyone is looking for housing in April, haha 😄
I was a bit worried on the plane, but my friend said that the thrill of finding a place is all about the adrenaline rush. Young people should experience sleeping under a bridge at least once, but I really shut him down!!
Well, I didn't let him have his way, and the price really got on his nerves, hahaha 😝 A one-bedroom for just over a hundred, I think this is the luckiest thing that has happened to me in my twenty-something years, hehe 😬 The landlord even told me that there are still quite a few places available for April.
#Life in the UK# UK students# Birmingham# University of Birmingham# life in Birmingham# renting in Birmingham# studying in Birmingham# Birmingham in the UK.
2023-04-29 16:18:45