Looking for a room in Birmingham, need some help organizing it!
Have all the Birmingham students received their offers? Are you choosing to live in Birmingham or in the city center?
Are there any roommates who will be taking the train to school together? You can also explore the Bullring!
#LookingForRoommates #InternationalStudentHousing #Renting #Birmingham #UniversityofBirmingham #UniversityofBirminghamHousing #BirminghamLife #StudyinginBirmingham #BirminghamSublet #BirminghamCityUniversity
#Looking for a roommate #internationalstudenthousing #rental #Birmingham #UniversityofBirmingham #UniversityofBirminghamhousing #Birminghamlife #studyinginBirmingham #sublettinginBirmingham #BirminghamCityUniversity
2023-03-28 08:34:29