Manchester City is subletting a studio.
🌇 This studio on floor 6 of Vita FS in Manchester is available for rent from November until July 13th next year! And it even includes breakfast on weekdays, how convenient is that? 🏠
🚀 The location of this apartment is really great! It's only about a 15-minute journey to reach various universities, gyms, study areas, and entertainment zones, making it super convenient. Whether you're studying or looking for fun, you can easily find what suits you nearby.
🔥 This studio for sublet by Vita FS is highly satisfying both in terms of location and facilities. Take action quickly and don't miss out on this excellent renting opportunity! 🔥
#Manchester renting# Manchester University# Manchester University renting# University of Manchester# studying in Manchester# student apartments in the UK.
2023-10-27 16:55:01