London landlord rents out 2B2B directly, averaging 270 per person, walking distance to UCL.
Just a 10-minute walk to UCL campus, surrounded by complete facilities, and right outside the door is the 🚌🚇 subway station. I couldn't resist choosing it in advance after checking out the house, 👀 but turns out I can't go now.
❤️ Location is Edgware Road 10461, available for rent now.
It's a 2-bedroom, 2-bathroom setup with quite a full set of furniture, but no pets allowed, oh! You can live here with friends, and the kitchen is free to use.
Perfect for those at UCL, but I can't make it 😭.
💦 Clean freaks are welcome!
#Renting in London# short-term rentals in London# UCL (University College London) housing.
2023-10-10 00:01:03