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Let me check 👀 where the residents of 24fall have gone to live ❗❗
Hello friends in Nottingham, Congratulations on receiving an offer! It's that time again when we worry about where to live... what's good... what's safe... what's comfortable... Feeling lost... No idea where to start... If you're in the same boat as me, let's figure it out together! 🙋‍♀️
#Nottingham# University of Nottingham# renting in Nottingham# Nottingham in the UK# studying in Nottingham# subletting in Nottingham# Nottingham Trent University# life in Nottingham.
2023-09-12 16:36:02
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Nottingham student apartment 💢 Heavenly start ❗ Super comfy 💯
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Recommended housing
NottinghamStudy Overseas Accommodation Booking
Union Road, Nottingham, NG3 1FG
19Room Type
No Service FeeSupport short - term rental, free mobile phone card free call feebill includedThere is a floor plan
£99From /week
NottinghamStudy Overseas Accommodation Booking
North Church Street, Nottingham NG1 4BR, United Kingdom
6Room Type
No Service FeeFree dual occupancyParcel collectionBills included24 hour Cooling Period after Accepted Offerbill includedcloakroom
£129From /week
NottinghamStudy Overseas Accommodation Booking
260 Huntingdon St, Nottingham NG1 3NB, UK
15Room Type
No Service Feebill includedgymcinemasyoga roomPrivate bathroomlearning
£150From /week
NottinghamStudy Overseas Accommodation Booking
1 Hockley, Nottingham, NG1 1FG
7Room Type
No Service Feebill includedgymlearningThere is a floor plan
£145From /week
NottinghamStudy Overseas Accommodation Booking
DormitoryThe Place
33 Queens Road, Nottingham, NG2 3NA
14Room Type
No Service Feebill includedgymPrivate bathroom
£149From /week
NottinghamStudy Overseas Accommodation Booking
123 Huntingdon Street, Nottingham, NG1 3NG
13Room Type
No Service Feebill includedgymcinemasThere is a floor plan
£149From /week
NottinghamStudy Overseas Accommodation Booking
Winfield Court, 1 Scholars WalkNottingham,NG2 4RU
16Room Type
No Service Feebill includedgymcinemaslearningThere is a floor plan
£150From /week
NottinghamStudy Overseas Accommodation Booking
Redgate | Student Accommodation in Nottingham, Traffic Street, Nottingham, UK
13Room Type
bill includedgymcinemasPrivate bathroomentertainmentvideo
£168From /week