Please, go to a language class in Melbourne and find someone to grab breakfast. 🙏
Apartment vibes!
Isn't it awesome to have someone cook for you every morning and evening 😭? No need to worry about it not tasting good; you can have them cook according to your taste preferences.
If you want to live alone, you can choose a studio 🌸; if you like a lively atmosphere, you can choose an ensuite 🌸. Then you can choose the size; there are quite a few options, let's look at them one by one.
Includes utilities, comes with air conditioning ❄️, has security, a gym, and even accepts package deliveries.
Most importantly, you can save a couple of hundred bucks a week with breakfast included 🔪!
#Melbourne# Melbourne University# language classes# studying abroad in Melbourne# Melbourne real estate# renting in Melbourne
2023-09-02 19:50:02