Choose a short-term rental starting from one week in Melbourne. 🐮
What to look for when searching for short-term rentals in Melbourne❓
Of course, it's 💢short-term accommodations!
I know some of you might be forced to choose hotels after the mishap.
So, for the sake of your wallet👛, I've found some really affordable short-term rentals‼️
💰Lower prices compared to hotels
🔥More flexible lease terms than student apartments
⏰Available for rent anytime
📅Lease term: Starting from 1 week 😍(very flexible)
Two options available:
· Studio
· Studio deluxe (suitable for double occupancy)
🌈Facilities: Inclusive of bills, gym, study room, sports center, swimming pool
#Melbourne rental# Melbourne University student apartment# University of Melbourne# short-term rental in Melbourne# Melbourne# Melbourne apartment# Melbourne CT rental# Melbourne lifestyle# studying in Melbourne# Melbourne real estate# Australia# Australian lifestyle# studying in Australia# rental in Australia# RMIT.
2023-06-12 22:20:01