Looking for a house in Brisbane? 🆘
At first, I thought finding a place would be easy, so I wasn't in a hurry. But these past few days, when I started looking for a place, it's been really difficult. 😫
The houses I want are all sold out! The housing prices this year are still high and keep rising! 📈
I mean, even Melbourne's housing prices aren't this outrageous! What's going on?! 💡
My sincere advice is to start looking for a place early, so you can still find a suitable one. Right now, it feels like I'm just picking from what others have left, and they're ridiculously expensive. 😌
#UQ# the University of Queensland# is located in Queensland# Australia. Queensland University of Technology (QUT) is another university in Queensland. If you are looking for rental accommodation in Brisbane# commonly referred to as "Brissie#" you can search for options in the suburb of St. Lucia# which is near UQ# or in other areas close to QUT.
2023-06-11 23:30:01